In these Rules any reference to “the company” shall refer to The Whalley Golf Club Limited. “The Directors” shall refer to the Directors of the Company. “The Club” shall refer to Whalley Golf Club. “The Council” shall refer to the Club Council as later defined and the “Club Year” shall refer to the year from 1st April to the 31st March following.
Title and Objects of the Club
1. The title of the Club shall be WHALLEY GOLF CLUB and shall consist of Life, Honorary, Ordinary, Social and Temporary members and such other classes as the Council may from time to time determine.
2. The objects of the Club shall be the promotion of the game of golf and other social activities amongst the members.
3. To offer competitive and social opportunities in golf.
4. To promote golf within the local community.
5. To manage the facilities at The Club.
6. To ensure a duty of care to all members of the Club.
7. To provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone.
Sports Equity
8. The Club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspect of its development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sports England definition of sport equity: ‘Sport equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.’
9. The Club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
10. The Club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
11. The Club will ensure that they have appropriate DBS checks in place if needed when working with children or vulnerable adults.
12. The Club have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.
13. Whalley Golf Club Council will deal with any incident of disciplinary behaviour seriously, according to disciplinary procedures.
Officers of the Club
14. The Officers of the Club shall be the President, the Captain of the Men’s Section, the Captain of the Ladies Section, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer.
15. The President shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of the Club and shall hold office for the ensuing two years. The Captain of the Men’s Section and the Captain of the Ladies’ Section (who shall be nominated by the Lady Members at a separate meeting) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for the ensuing year. A Men’s Captain Elect and a Lady Captain Elect shall similarly be appointed. The Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall be appointed by the Council.
Financial Management of the Club
16. The management of the Club shall be vested in the Directors of the Company.
17. All property, funds and monies of whatever nature shall be the property of the Company and shall be held in trust for the use and benefit of the members.
The Club Council
18. The Club Council shall consist of the Officers of the Club and the Directors of the Company.
19. Five members of the Council and/or Company shall form a quorum
20. The Council may co-opt for special purposes such other members of the Club as it may wish and such other members may vote on any matter appertaining to such special purpose but shall not be counted in the quorum.
21. The Council may delegate any of its powers to committees from its own members and from other members of the Club. As such the committees have the power to co-opt other members of the Club and to determine their own quorum. The Officers of the Club shall be ex-officio members of all such committees but shall have no power to vote.
22. The Honorary Secretary shall summon all the meetings of the Club, the Directors or Council and give all the notices required by these Rules or by the Council. The Honorary Secretary shall keep a record of correct minutes of the proceedings of all such meetings and shall produce such records at all meetings as required.
23. The Chair of the Council shall be a Director appointed by the Directors and shall take the chair at all meetings of the Council. In the absence of the Chair, some other member of the Council appointed by the Directors shall take the chair. The Chair shall have a vote at such meetings and, in the case of an equality of voting, shall have a second or casting vote.
24. The Council may from time to time make such bye-laws and additions and alterations to the same, as may be considered necessary. Membership will be informed of any such changes by notices and/or email. These changes will also be available on the website.
25. The authority of the Council shall in all matters related to Golf be paramount unless it is over-ruled by a General Meeting of the Club.
General Meetings
26. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on a date to be determined by the Council of which meeting not less than seven days notice shall be given by the Honorary Secretary to all eligible members. Only members over the age of 18 years shall be eligible to attend General Meetings of the Club, unless individually invited e.g. Junior Captain.
27. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be the election of the President, the Captain of the Men’s Section, the Captain of the Ladies’ Section, new Directors as required and any other business of which notice has been given also to receive such reports as may be of interest to the members. The Chairman of the Company shall be elected by the Directors following the AGM.
28. A Special General Meeting of the Club shall be called by the Honorary Secretary: –
When requested by the Council or Directors
When a requisition for such a meeting has been received stating the purpose for which the meeting is required, signed by not less than fifty members of the Club.
At least seven days notice of any Special General Meeting shall be given to all eligible members specifying the business to be transacted. No other business shall be transacted at such meeting.
29. The quorum for a General Meeting of the Club shall be twenty-five members.
30. The President shall take chair at all General Meetings of the Club, or in his/her absence the Captain of the Club, or if they should both be absent, the members present must elect a Chair from those present. On equality of voting the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.
31. Any member who is in arrears with his/her subscription, or who owes any money to the Club, shall not be entitled to take part in any of the proceedings of a all General Meetings or be entitled to vote or be counted in the quorum at any such meeting.
32. Notices shall be sent to the registered address and/or e-mail address of members, but non-receipt thereof by any member shall not invalidate any meeting. Where a specified number of days notice is required to be given, the day of receipt of such notice shall be counted as a day, but the day of the meeting shall not be so counted.
Election of Members
33. The Membership Chairperson and Committee shall be responsible for considering applications for membership of the Club. They will communicate with the applicant and arrange a meeting to consider suitability as a member and to acquaint them with essential rules, regulations, procedures and aspects of the Club.
34. The election of new members is ultimately vested in the Council. A candidate for membership may be required to be proposed and seconded by two members of the Club each of whom must be either a full member or social member who knows the candidate personally and who can vouch for his/her character as a suitable member of the Club. The proposer and seconder of a candidate must have been a member of the Club for at least one full year. The candidate must hold themselves available for interview by the council if required. Council have the power to reduce the requirements.
35. An application form must be completed with the full name and address, email address, telephone numbers, occupation (optional), previous club and handicap. In the case of candidates under 18 years of age, the date of birth must be stated along with a declaration from the parent/guardian, and a disclosure of relevant medical details. The email address and telephone numbers of the parent/guardian are also required. The email address minors of 16 – 18 years of age may also be recorded with parental/guardian consent.
36. All candidates, except Juniors, must, after acceptance and before being entitled to the privileges of membership, subscribe for and acquire at least one share in The Whalley Golf Club Limited and must not dispose of such a share whilst he or she remains a member. The signature of the candidate on the application form, without which no application for membership can be verified, implies acceptance of this shareholding which shall be recorded with Companies House. The register of shareholders is updated annually with Companies House by the Club. Any member elected after the commencement of these Rules shall have his/her name placed on the register as the holder of the share or shares for which he/she has subscribed. The Club shall hold the share/shares in trust for the member for so long as he/she remains a member. On ceasing to be a member, for any reason whatsoever, the members name shall be taken off the register in respect of the share or shares which will then revert to the Club and the member shall be entitled to request the return of the nominal value of the share.
37. The application form shall include a declaration that the applicant has seen and read the Club Rules relevant to GDPR. They will be required to sign acceptance of the Club keeping records of personal information as detailed in the rules and necessarily required for the running of the club.
38. As the admission to membership entitles the member to enjoy the benefits of the Club, so it distinctly implies his/her agreement to these Rules, to any amendment thereof, and to any additional Rules or Bye-laws hereafter duly enacted, a copy of which shall be displayed in the Clubroom and on the website.
39. The application form shall include information relevant to a ‘cooling off period’ for the applicant after acceptance into membership. Membership will then be formally verified at the next meeting of the Council.
40. The Council may admit a member to membership for life upon such terms as it may determine, but subject nevertheless to Rule 44. Similarly, a member may be admitted to Honorary Membership without payment of subscription.
41. The entrance fee (when applicable), annual subscription, locker rent and any other charges shall be fixed by the Directors and, in the case of new members shall be paid immediately after the member’s acceptance in accordance with the Club’s current payment policy.
42. By agreeing to become a member of the Club each member commits to pay membership fees for a period of 1 year (or part of year should they, in their 1st year of membership only, join the club after 1st April each year). At the Club’s discretion playing members may pay their subscriptions by Standing Order over an agreed period each year. Standing Order payments for the year must be paid in any circumstances. This is an alternative method of paying the annual subscription for members benefit and is NOT a monthly membership scheme. (See also Rule 31).
43. No member may compete for any prize until his annual subscription, locker rent and all arrears are paid in accordance with the Club’s current payment policy.
44. If a member’s subscription (in accordance with the Club’s current payment policy) remains unpaid at the end of May in any Club year, the Council may remove his/her name from the list of members of the Club. The amount owing (including any unpaid standing order payments) will, nevertheless, remain a debt due to the Company.
45. Any member’s wishing to resign from the Club may do so on giving notice to the Honorary Secretary in writing or email prior to the expiration of the year (viz., 31stMarch), and paying all arrears due including any outstanding standing order payments. Any monies owing by the member at the time of resignation and due through to the end of the Club Year shall be a debt to the Company.
46. A former member may re-join by being accepted as provided for in Rules 33 to 39, but shall not be liable to pay another entrance fee (if applicable) unless the fee shall have been increased since the former election, in which case the member may be required to pay the difference.
Discipline, Appeals and Expulsion
47. All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practise/abuse relating to the welfare of children and young people will be recorded and reported swiftly to Council for action in accordance with the Club’s child protection policy and procedures.
48. All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted to the Honorary Secretary in writing or by email.
49. In any of the above circumstances the Council shall be bound to consider the facts of the case at a meeting of which the member concerned and any relevant parent/guardian shall have notice and at which they shall be entitled to present his/her case either in person or in writing. If necessary, a subsequent meeting between selected members of Council, or full Council, with the accused shall be arranged. If it appears to the majority present and voting that the member in question ought to be expelled, he/she shall immediately cease to be a member of the Club and be notified accordingly in writing by the Honorary Secretary. The proportion of the member’s subscription from the date of the meeting to the end of the current Club year may be returned at Council’s discretion which is final and binding.
Prizes and Competitions
50. Competitions shall be arranged by the Competitions and Handicap Committees who may offer prizes for same in accordance with current R&A Rules of Golf and may determine the rules of entry. Notice of Competitions shall be posted in the Clubhouse and listed in the Club diary and on the website.
Bar and Refreshments
51. The hours for the supply of alcohol shall be determined by the Council within the permitted hours authorised by the local licensing authority. Council will similarly determine the hours for catering and refreshments which will be detailed in the Club diary, in the Clubhouse and on the website.
52. Visitors to Whalley Golf Club are welcome at all times either to participate in functions or to play golf and enjoy the facilities of the Clubhouse. Visitors are requested to respect the Club’s facilities and to observe the Club’s dress codes both on and off the course and to comply in all respects to Club Rules and notices.
53. The members of the Club shall be jointly and severally liable to indemnify the Directors and/or Council from and against personal liability for or in respect of their dealings for and on behalf of the members, but the Directors and members of the Council, being members of the Club, shall nevertheless be subject to the same liability as other members.
54. The Directors and/or Council shall not be responsible for the property of any member or visitor nor for any personal injuries sustained by a member or visitor.
55. No notice or placard shall be exhibited in the Clubhouse without sanction of a member of Council.
56. Members or visitors bringing small children into the Clubhouse shall be responsible for their safety and good behaviour but they shall not be taken onto the course.
57. Dogs shall not be allowed in the Clubhouse or on the course.
58. Smoking/Vaping is not permitted within the Clubhouse or on the balcony. Members and visitors wishing to smoke must use the designated smoking/vaping area.
59. The use of mobile phones is permitted within the Clubhouse and on the course but phones should be in silent mode. Whilst on the course they may only be used in case of emergency.
60. Members and visitors should adhere to the current dress code whilst in the Clubhouse or playing on the course. Details of dress code will be posted on notice boards around the Clubhouse.
61. All members shall make themselves acquainted with these Rules (which will be available on the Club website) and the Rules and Etiquette of Golf and shall not plead ignorance of same.
Alterations of Rules
62. The power to alter these Rules shall be vested in the Club Council. The Honorary Secretary shall post a notice in the clubhouse and on the Club website showing the approved alterations or additions.
GDPR Compliance
63. These details include your address, email address, phone numbers, age and sex. We need these details to be able to communicate with you all concerning membership renewal, AGM/EGMs, and information relating to both golf and social activities within the club.
Full details of GDPR can be viewed on the relevant drop-box of the website.
On resignation from the club the details will be held on the system for up to 2 years, or until any debt to the Company of WGC Ltd has been settled.
Information of name, gender and year of birth are necessarily shared with England Golf and associated organisations, (ELGA, ELLGA, LUGC, LLCGA) to whom WGC pays membership fees. This information is required to monitor and run the Central Database of Handicaps (CDH).
Volunteers regularly assisting with the Juniors are required to be DBS checked. Extra details are necessarily acquired by The Club’s official verifier. These details will be destroyed or deleted on receiving valid certification of the individual.
Key personal details, name, address and possibly next of kin may be passed to a third party in case of medical emergency.
Members will be informed of any change in the way details are held. No details will ever be passed to a third party for advertising purposes.
Individuals have the right to complain to a supervisory authority, namely the Information Commissioner’s Office, www.ico.gov.uk.
If you have any questions or issues with this situation please contact the Honorary Secretary, who is registered with the Data Protection at the Information Commissioner’s Office.